Female Student at Student Services Center


The LAVC Business Office is the last step in the student registration process. 它收取所有的注册费, including student parking permit fees and issues the student Registration Receipt. The Business Office is located in the Student Union Building, Room #143.

Tuition & Fees Information


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头盖骨咖啡服务台 available Monday-Friday 8:00am–3:45pm


为什么要排队? Save time! pay on-line!

You can now pay your student fees by Debit/ATM card or Credit Card online through the 学生资讯系统. 学生可以到商务办公室以现金、银行支票和汇票的方式支付学费.


Student parking permits/daily passes ARE REQUIRED for Summer 2024, effective 6/26/24. There is currently a grace period in effect for Student parking spaces only.  Student permits will not be required from 6/4/24-6/25/24.  Student spaces will require a student parking permit from 6/26/24 onward.  Faculty/Staff permits are required for faculty/staff spaces at all times. 

Summer 2024 Semester Permits can be purchased in the Business Office.  Students may only park in a student assigned space.  Please do not park in Faculty/Staff spaces - special permits are required for these spaces.  所有停车规则将被强制执行.  

电动汽车充电 所有学期必须每天支付5美元的电动汽车停车许可证,以在您的车中展示(该许可证没有宽限期)。.

20231098 - t纳税申报表

Instructions to download your 1098-T tax statement (Word Doc)

Fees Information

加州立法机关规定向公立社区大学的学生收取入学费用. 《皇冠官网网站》第72252条规定的费用为每单元46美元(46美元),每学期没有上限. 这些费用可能会有变化.

Enrollment fees must be paid at the time of registration.

Financial aid may be available to students who meet the qualification requirements. Students with questions concerning financial aid eligibility should contact the 财政援助办事处.

除短期课程外, a full refund of the enrollment fee will be made up to the end of the second week of class. Thereafter, 除非学院采取行动取消或重新安排课程,否则不予退款.

短期课程, a full refund is authorized up to the end of a period of time equal to 10% of the total class time. Thereafter, 除非学院采取行动取消或重新安排课程,否则不予退款.

NOTE ON REFUNDS: All refunds of enrollment fees, non-resident tuition, parking, and A.S.U. 会员资格必须由学生提出正式申请,并亲自或邮寄至商务办公室. 所有退款将按照公布的退款时间表进行,每次退款必须在授课学期的第五周之前提出.

To attend any of the Los Angeles Community Colleges as a resident of California, 学生必须在“居住决定日期”之前在加州居住一年以上.” The “Residency Determination Date” is the day before classes begin. Residence is defined as a union of act and intent. (Additional regulations apply to non-United States citizens.)

董事会通过了非居民学费为每学期359美元(2024-2025),用于就读地区学院的非该州居民的学生. Furthermore, for non-resident students who are both citizens and residents of a foreign country, 非居民学费也是每学期359美元,单位费和50美元的现金申请处理费. Non-resident students must also pay the enrollment fee of the $46 per unit. 这些费用可能会有变化 each academic year.

LACCD董事会规则8100.15 states that “students who are citizens and residents of a foreign country, or who are legally precluded from establishing residency in California, 根据校长通过的规定,根据个人经济需要,有权免除非居民的费用. 在适用的学期内,此类个人豁免不得超过特区公民和外国居民学生的10% (10%). 如果您符合本页背面非居民学费减免宣誓书第9题中的资格要求, you may be eligible to receive a nonresident tuition exemption.



Students who are citizens and residents of a foreign country, or who are legally precluded from establishing residency in California, 根据校长通过的规定,根据个人经济需要,有权免除非居民的费用. Student who qualify can file a waiver request with the Admissions Office every semester/session.

教育法典第68075条.6向符合条件的特殊移民签证(SIV)持有人和居住在加州的难民学生提供立即的非居民学费豁免. 非居民学费豁免从个人开始在加州居住之日起一年.

The exemption applies to the following:

  • 受雇于美国政府或代表美国政府在伊拉克工作的伊拉克公民或国民(及其配偶和子女).L. No. 110-181, § 1244)
  • 直接为美国武装部队工作的阿富汗和伊拉克翻译(以及他们的配偶和子女).L. No. 109-163, § 1059)
  • Afghanistan nationals who were employed by or on behalf of the U.S. government or in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan (Pub.L. No. 111-8, § 602)
  • 根据美国法典第8章第1157节准许进入美国的难民学生

To apply for a Special Immigrant Visa holder or refugee nonresident tuition fee exemption, please visit the Admissions & Records Office and complete a Supplemental Residency Questionnaire. 您必须证明您在加州的实际存在,并提供您的特殊移民签证或难民身份的文件.

洛杉矶社区学院区每学期(春季/秋季)收取19美元的强制性健康费用,每学期(冬季/夏季)收取16美元。, 只适用于一个校园, 来支付费用 学生健康中心 at each college. 此费用可能会有变动.

If you are a member of a religious group that depends on prayer for healing, 请与学生服务中心(二楼)的学生服务副校长办公室联系,办理豁免手续.

General health, 紧急及急救, as well as nonemergency physician services are available by appointment.  Psychological counseling is also available.


洛杉矶社区学院区政策免除以下学生支付学生健康费用:(a)根据真正的宗教派别的教义,完全依靠祈祷来治愈的学生, (b) students who are attending classes under an approved apprenticeship training program, (c)非学分教育学生, (d)只在不提供学生保健服务的地点就读地区学院的学生, (e) students who are enrolled in District colleges exclusively through contract education, (f)根据教育法典第76001条被洛杉矶社区学院录取的学生,作为特殊兼职学生,同时根据董事会政策5010的规定在公立学区入学. Students exempted under the provisions of (b), (c), or (f) above are eligible to receive the services of the college health program; all other exempted students are not eligible to receive the services of the college health program, 除非他们选择支付费用.  只参加在线或远程教育课程的学生可以到商务办公室支付相应的学期健康费用,并能够接受学院健康计划的服务.

A optional $2 学生代表费 per semester is due at the time of registration. 这笔费用是专门为支持参与政府事务的学生代表而设立的. You may petition to be exempt from paying this fee based on religious, political, 道德或经济原因.  If students wish to opt-out of paying the $2 学生代表费, they may sign in to the  MyCollege.laccd.edu student portal, 点击“学生帐户”, followed by the “Account Services” drop down menu. Click on “ASO/Rep Fee Opt Out” link and then follow the instructions on the page.

Each student is encouraged to become a member of the Associated Student Organization. $10 for the Spring and Fall semesters; $3 for the Winter and Summer sessions. ASO membership enables students to join clubs, 免费打印, 使用狮子穴游戏室, and more. 更多信息,请访问 LAVC Associated Student Union webpage.

Student parking permits/daily passes are now required for all Semesters. Students please remember to park in a student assigned spot only. Please do not park in Faculty/Staff spaces. 所有停车规则将被强制执行.

For more information on the International Student Medical Insurance Fee, contact the 国际学生办公室.

标准长度(秋季、春季) 通过第二周的教学
Full Tuition
No Refund
常规长度(夏季) 通过第一周的教学
Full Tuition
No Refund
Short Term (less than regular length) 通过10%的课程长度
Full Tuition
No Refund




下载校园地图 with directions from the Business office to the Admissions office.


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Phone: (818) 947-2318